Tuesday, January 28, 2020

The impact of societal change on family structures Essay Example for Free

The impact of societal change on family structures Essay The impact of societal change on family structures, functions and resources has become evident through, the acceptance of, same sex marriages/couples, sole parent, extended, foster, nuclear and defacto families, physical, economic, emotional, social, cultural, moral, spiritual, religious and adaptive lifestyles. Statistics from around the world are showing the changing views and perspectives on various roles in the family. It wasnt long ago in Australia, that births outside of marriage were considered to be unacceptable. In those days the young woman was sent off to the country to have her child and give it up for adoption, as to not damage her familys reputation. Nowadays many women are having children out of marriage. Whether it is through the convenience of not being married or an unplanned pregnancy it has become frequently more common and accepted throughout Australia. This also brings in to the equation the growing number of mothers in the workplace. Previously after a woman had a child she did not return to work, but as the number of single mothers in the community has become more acceptable so has the view that women can return to the workforce after they have a child. Through the assistance of government pensions, workplace run childcare and daycare centres, single mothers have the option of full government support or returning to work, with some assistance from the government. Apart from single mothers, there is the issue of single fathers. This could occur through the death of the mother or the mother being unsuitable to her role. Support and acceptance are now widely offered to either single parent. Australians are also showing a trend to marrying later and having fewer children, often preferring to focus on their careers rather then settling down. Previously men and women were expected to have a family in their late teens, but as the necessity to have lots of money the view on this has changed. Also because of IVF and many other resources to help you have a child, both men and women do not feel the rush to have children, compared to people twenty years back. Since the number of babies has dropped dramatically over the past few years, it has brought about an increase of other nationalities to spread across Australia. Also acceptance of inter-racial and inter-religious marriages has become accepted, as many people are coming to terms that all races are th e same. This also brings in the acceptance of adoption, as many couples are starting to adopt children from overseas countries, such as Asia, Africa and Russia, as well as having their own children has increased the number of blended families, in Australia. As Australia now is a growing multicultural society it has accepted and adapted to many multicultural traditions, cultures and beliefs. This has affected the way all Australians think; as we have a more diverse background we are more acceptable and adaptive to change in our society. Divorce was once considered to be a taboo, less than twenty years ago but statistics have proven that this view has been changed dramatically with, out of 331 200 marriages 173 600, will end in divorce. Many of these marriages include children with the average age of the child being seven years old. It has also proven that women are more likely to gain custody of the children then men, and in cases like these 14% of divorced dads end up, either not wanting to see their children or neglecting them emotionally. When divorce does occur there is a dramatic drop in the familys income, assistance is sometimes required from the government to provide for the basic needs, eg food and clothing. As a result of less income the family members become extremely acceptable to breakdowns and stress, which can lead to anger and falling out between family members. This can lead to the reduction of socialisation between family members, as they can no longer stand being around one another. There is a variety of reasons in why more people are becoming divorced, they include, it being easier and more acceptable. In many cases divorced parents end up re-marrying, which creates stepfamilies. The couples who do survive the high divorce mortality rate often after their children leave home become foster parents as many couples seem to believe that having children around will keep them forever young and forever together. The largest societal change by far has been the acceptance of same-sex couples. Previously these couples were shunned by men and women alike, with many suppressing their sexuality. (Homosexuality dates back to Ancient Greece.) Is now only just becoming more readily accepted. There is now almost 18% of outed same sex couples in Australia, with a further more 9%, pursuing IVF or similar treatment to have children. The family functions has also changed through many fathers becoming the stay at home mum and the women, after having the child return to the workforce and become the breadwinners. The good old nuclear family, being 2.3 children, mother, father and a dog has a seemed to have disappeared, with the impact of societal change. People have begun to realise that they can be an individual family and that they do not have to identify and have the same religion, culture and beliefs as everybody else. I believe that the change in society on family structures, functions and resources has changed for the better.

Monday, January 20, 2020

Modern Day Hero VS. Anglo-Saxon Hero :: Comparison Compare Contrast Essays

Modern Day Hero VS. Anglo-Saxon Hero During the Anglo-Saxon period, people worshiped Hero's. Here are a couple of ways how a modern day hero can be compared to one in the past. Nolan Ryan will be my choice of a classic modern day hero. One of the firsts of a hero's characteristic is that he performs "Outstanding Deeds". On page thirty-five in Beowulf "Higlac's brave follower tearing out his hand of the monster, his hatred rose higher but his power has gone." So to me that could be called an outstanding deed. Now Nolan Ryan is not a War hero but a baseball player. He was forty-five at the time and he had thrown 5,511 strikeouts, witch is a record that will not be broken anytime soon. Another way to be called a hero is to give great speeches. On page 31 of Beowulf "Hail Hrothagi............." Beowulf is very good at this but on the other hand Nolan Ryan is a very humble man. So he never really gave speeches. The third characteristic of a hero is to boast about his feats. Beowulf does a good job of boasting in this next line in Beowulf on page 31, "And I am stronger than anyone in the world." To me that is a very big boast on Beowulf's part. Now for Nolan Ryan he is a very modest man and never had any reason to boast about anything, his numbers did the talking for him. Now the last of the of characteristics that is that he descended from Royalty. Now on page 31 in Beowulf, "Higlac is my cousin and my King." Now on the other hand Nolan Ryan's position in baseball had nothing to do with his family. He was noting more than a country boy from Alvin, Texas. Now all of those were characteristic of an Anglo-Saxon hero that are very different from those of a modern day hero. The first of them is if the Public eye likes the hero to be humble and have good sportsmanship. Nolan Ryan never went around taunting his opponents or talking about how good he is. But on the other hand Beowulf talked very highly of himself. I don't think the public would have liked that very much about him. Another characteristic of a modern day hero is his appearance. Nolan was a good-looking guy. He did wrangler jeans ads. He also did TV commercials for Advil.

Sunday, January 12, 2020

Mcdonalds Energy Drink Research Report

McEnergy 1 Energy Drink Research Report For McDonalds Corporation Marketing Research, Unit 9 8 August 2011 McEnergy 2 Executive Summary The purpose of this report is to investigate past trends and forecasts of the energy drink market. Included in this report, is information on market size, target population and statistical data on growth history and growth projections. The aim is to determine if adding energy drinks to McDonalds offerings will create a profitable segment for their menu. The market research collected and contained in this report consists of secondary data. This research was authorized by: McDonalds Corporation. Current market research shows that the energy drink market has grown into a multi-billion dollar business, which has been reported as being the fastest growing segment in the beverage industry since bottled water. The US energy drink industry is expected to more than double in the 5 years preceding 2013. (Comprehensive Reviews) Eighteen to twenty-four year olds or college students are the largest segment of energy drink consumers. NutritionJ) The conclusion of this report suggests that the growth of the energy drink market has been greater than most other liquid refreshment beverage sectors in the US in the past five years and that this trend will continue. It is recommended that McDonalds Corporation add energy drinks to their offerings and target college-aged students. Introduction Fast food consumption in the US has declined during the rece nt economic crisis. To stay profitable, many fast food chains have introduced low-cost or â€Å"value† items too keep sales up. Along with low-cost items, many fast food chains have added specialized items or niche items to attract customers that can more conveniently buy these at a fast food store. McEnergy 3 Energy drinks have continued to gain popularity since Red Bull was launched in 1997. More than 500 new energy drinks were launched worldwide in 2006 and beverage companies are reaping the rewards of the exploding energy drink industry. This report examines the energy drink market and its potential to become a niche item in a fast food chain along with the population to target. Methods This report was conducted using a secondary statistical data and secondary research that was gathered using a focus group and survey of college age participants. The statistical data was obtained from New York City-based Beverage Marketing Corporation which is the leading research firm dedicated to the global beverage industry. The statistical data regarding the previous growth patterns and growth forecasts will be discussed in the results. The focus group and survey were done by Nutrition Journal and focuses on energy drink consumption patterns among college students. The survey was based on responses from a 32-member college student focus group and a field test, a 19-item survey was used to energy drink consumption patterns of 496 randomly surveyed college students. (nutritionj) The population was defined as undergraduate students at a state university located in the Central Atlantic Region of the United States. 85% of the undergraduates were 18-24 years of age, 12% were 25-40 years of age and 3% 41 years of age or older. Sixty two percent of the entire student body is female. The sampling units were individual college students that were generated with a McEnergy 4 non-probability method of asking students around campus if they would like to participate. (Nutritionj) Results Fifty one percent of participants reported consuming at least one, energy drinks a month. Thirty four percent of participant reported consuming at least two energy drinks a month. Table 1 % of college energy drink users reporting amount and frequency of energy drink consumption by situation in an average month Energy drinks consumed Days/month ________________________________________________ Situation n 1 2 >2 1-4 5-10 >10 Insufficient Sleep 169 64 22 14 74 18 8 Need general energy 165 63 21 16 74 18 8 Studying or project 125 50 36 14 85 10 5 Driving long distance 114 63 23 14 86 9 5 With alcohol 136 27 24 49 73 18 9 Treat hangover 42 74 10 16 74 14 12 N= 253 college energy drink users (nutritionj) The US refreshment beverage market grew by 1. 2% in 2010The growth of the energy drinks market is up 5. 4% in the past year. (beveragemarketing) From 2004 to 2009 the McEnergy 5 overall growth of the energy market is up over 240% (Wiley) The shift from consumption of sports drinks such as Gatorade and Powerade towards energy drinks should continue. In the last year, carbonated soft drinks remain the largest liquid refreshment beverages category but their volume slipped 0. 8% from 13. 9 billion gallons in 2009 to 13. 8 billion gallons in 2010, which resulted in their market share decreasing. (beveragemarketing) Table 2 U. S Liquid Refreshment Beverage Market Change in Volume by Segment 2009-2010 Percent Change Segments 2009-2010 RTD Tea 12. 5% Sports Drinks 9. % RTD Coffee 8. 1% Energy Drinks 5. 4% Bottled Water 3. 5% Value-Added Water 0. 2% Fruit Beverages -2. 0% Carbonated Soft Drinks -0. % Total LRB 1. 2% Source: Beverage Marketing Corporation (BeverageMarketing) McEnergy 6 Conclusion The energy drink market has grown into a multi-billion dollar business, which has been reported as being the fastest growing segment in the beverage industry since bottled water. Having grown 240% in the past five years, the only beverage sectors to grow faster that energy drinks last year were ready-to-drink tea, ready-to-drink coffee and s ports drinks. McDonalds already distributes these other three beverages and would benefit by adding the next fastest growing beverage sector, energy drinks. Despite the large market share that carbonated beverages owns, there is a demand and shift towards other beverage sectors as evidenced by a decrease in carbonated beverage market share last year. A large segment of energy drink consumers is the college-aged consumer. With over 50% of college students drinking at least one energy drink a month and 34% at least two a month, this would be a good population to target. Recommendations Include energy drinks to the offerings at McDonalds fast food restaurants. Target college-aged students with initial locations and marketing strategies. McEnergy 7 References: – Gonzalez de Mejia, E. & Heckman, M. A. & Sherry, K. (2010). Energy Drinks: An Assessment of Their Market Size, Consumer Demographics, Ingredient Profile, Functionality, and Regulations in The United States. Comprehensive Reviews in Food Science and Food Safety. Retrieved from: http://onlinelibrary. wiley. com/doi/10. 1111/j. 1541-4337. 2010. 00111. x/pdf – West, T. (2011). The Energy Market is Still Full of Growth Potential Reports. Wholesale News. Retrieved from: http://web. ebscohost. com. lib. kaplan. edu/ehost/pdfviewer/pdfviewer? vid=12&hid=123&sid=eeec713f-80bc-4ca6-b6ce-02c68e0f1f50%40sessionmgr112 – The US Liquid Refreshment Beverage Market Increased by 1. 2% in 2010. (March 2011). Beverage Marketing Corporation Reports. Retrieved from: http://www. beveragemarketing. com/? section=pressreleases – Aeby, V. G. & Barber-Heidal, K. & Carpenter-Aeby, T & Malinauskas, B. M, & Overton, R. F. (2007). A Survey of Energy Drink Consumption Patterns Among College Students. Nutrition Journal. Retrieved from: http://www. nutritionj. com/content/6/1/35

Saturday, January 4, 2020

Theories of Development Essay - 1581 Words

Theories of Development Three different theorists were considered in this assignment. Two children were used to explore the theories of development by Piaget, Vygotsky and Kohlberg. One child tested was a fourteen-year-old female named Kari. Kari is currently at the grade 8 level and performs well academically. The other child tested was a six-year-old female named Meghan. Meghan is currently in Kindergarten. Meghan performs at an average level academically. The assigned tasks were completed with the child and myself alone together to avoid distraction. Each child was evaluated on the same evening. I wanted to ensure I would present the tasks in a similar manner for each child. To explore Piagets theories two different†¦show more content†¦Meghan is in Piagets preoperational stage. This would be age appropriate according to Piaget. The other Piagetian task was to observe the child for concrete operational thinking. I took nine index cards and stuck pictures of food onto them. There were three pictures of different meat, three pictures of different vegetables and three pictures of different desserts. I then instructed the child to make as many meals as possible by mixing up the cards as often and however they wished. The only limitation was that each meal had to have meat, vegetable and a dessert. I was hoping that the hands on approach would make it a true test of the concrete operations level. Kari identified twenty-seven different meals. This is the maximum combination for the limits set. Kari was very methodical in moving the index cards around the floor. Kari looked at the cards for a moment and then started rotating through the possibilities very systematically. She performed this task quite rapidly. It seemed obvious that she viewed the situation, used abstract thinking to decide how to handle it and continued with the task. The results indicate that Kari has reached the stage of formal operations as would be age appropriate according to Piaget. Meghan identified three meals. Prior to handling the index cards Meghan talked about her favouriteShow MoreRelatedThe Theory Of Human Development Theory1642 Words   |  7 PagesHuman development theories are theories intended to account for how and why people become, as they are. These theories provide the framework to clarify and organize existing observations and to try to explain and predict human behavior. It is important to recognize the complexity of human development and the theories that explain human development. (Berger, pg. 23). The three theories that have influenced by development are Jean Piaget’s Cognitive Theory, Abraham Maslow’s Humanism and Erik Erikson’sRead MoreTheories And Theories Of Human Development1337 Words   |  6 Pages10/11/17 Principles of Human Development Paper #1 The concepts and theories of human development are important for a school counselor to have knowledge on. 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